Mixed Reality: An Emerging Genre That Could Change Everything

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Mixed Reality Is Still New But It Is Evolving

Mixed reality (MR) is an exciting new genre that’s starting to make waves in gaming and beyond. Unlike traditional virtual reality (VR), which immerses you in a completely different world, MR blends the digital and physical, overlaying interactive virtual elements onto your real environment. It’s not just a novel way to play games; it’s a tool that has practical uses in education, fitness, and creativity, all while still being a lot of fun.

How Mixed Reality is Changing Gaming

One of the coolest aspects of MR is how it turns everyday spaces into immersive arenas. Games like Thrill of the Fight and Dragon Fist VR Kung Fu let you box or engage in martial arts right in your living room, with virtual opponents that seem to be right there with you. The experience feels incredibly real because you’re not just controlling a character; you’re physically moving and dodging in your actual space, making the action far more engaging than traditional games.

Accidental Exercise: A Hidden Benefit

What I didn’t expect was how these games tricked me into exercising without even realizing it. I’m not someone who typically enjoys working out (terrible, I know). However, after a session with these games, I found myself out of breath, sweating buckets, and feeling like I’d been through a serious workout. The way these games trick you into exercising by making it fun could be a great way to get gamers to be more active, turning exercise into something enjoyable rather than a chore.

Turning Your Space into Something Else Entirely

MR isn’t just about fighting either. Apps like Astra and the upcoming Starship Home take you on educational journeys in your own home. Starship Home, while not out yet, promises to turn your house into a spaceship, focusing more on fun and exploration. In contrast, Astra is already available and offers a more educational experience, placing the planets of the solar system right in your space.

Though Astra leans more towards learning, it completely blew my mind by taking me on a guided tour through the solar system. I was able to visit each planet and learn new things about them, all while standing in my living room. The way MR blends learning and immersion feels like the future of education, making topics like astronomy more interactive and engaging than ever before.

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Starship Home promises to turn your living room into a portal to the starts
Starship Home promises to turn your living room into a portal to the starts

Mixed Reality is Giving People Real Life Skills

Education and self-improvement are huge areas where MR can really shine. Apps like PianoVision and Pencil offer interactive ways to learn new skills, and they do it in real-time, in your real world.

PianoVision overlays notes onto a physical piano, showing you exactly which keys to press to learn a song. It’s like having a piano teacher standing next to you, but it’s fully digital. Similarly, Pencil uses MR to teach drawing. It can overlay sketches onto your paper or give you 3D models to manipulate, helping you learn the nuances of form and perspective. These aren’t just gimmicks; they represent a new way of learning that combines hands-on practice with the power of digital guidance.

I’m not great at drawing but Pencil! Helped me draw this owl!

From Virtual to Reality: Improving Real-World Skills

It can even help you improve at sports. Take Eleven Table Tennis for example. Before I started playing this game, I was pretty terrible at table tennis. I remember vividly how my girlfriend absolutely destroyed me the first time we played in real life. But after months of regular sessions in Eleven Table Tennis, something amazing happened. When we played again, the tables had turned. I found myself returning shots I never could before, and she could barely score a point (I was merciless). The game helped me hone real-world skills, turning what was once just a fun VR experience into tangible improvement in my actual table tennis game.

Imagine how this could evolve. We could see MR tutoring for all sorts of skills like coding, cooking, DIY projects, where interactive digital helpers walk you through tasks step by step, but in a way that feels much more natural and engaging than staring at a YouTube tutorial.

How will Mixed Reality Evolve

It’s easy to forget that MR is still in its infancy. As the tech improves, these experiences will likely get even more sophisticated. We could see entire rooms transformed into interactive dungeons or sports fields. There could be fitness regimes that adapt to your space, or even mixed-reality esports, where physical skill and digital gaming combine in ways we haven’t seen yet.

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The Future of MR Gaming

So, where is this all headed? MR is still in its early stages, but it’s clear that it could evolve into something far beyond what we’ve seen in VR gaming. In VR, you escape to another world; in MR, that other world comes to you. It’s not hard to imagine a future where MR headsets become lighter, more accessible, and capable of even more complex interactions with the real world.

The genre itself will likely be split into various sub-genres. We might have fitness-focused MR games that blend physical exertion with game mechanics in ever more creative ways. Or more educational games where students can dissect virtual animals on their desks or walk through historical events that unfold in their living rooms. This emerging genre could also create a new space for social gaming, where friends join you in mixed-reality environments, fighting battles or solving puzzles in the same physical room, but interacting with completely digital elements.

The Impact on VR and Beyond

With MR growing, it could potentially reshape what we expect from VR games too. VR has always been about immersion, but MR offers a different type of immersion, one where you’re still tethered to the real world but able to interact with the digital in a more meaningful way. As MR experiences improve, we might see VR games start to integrate more MR elements, blending full-world immersion with the convenience and accessibility of real-world interaction.

In a few years, we could see a future where MR becomes a dominant platform for all sorts of games and applications, with VR becoming more niche, reserved for those who want complete escapism. The two technologies could even merge, offering hybrid experiences that toggle between full VR and mixed reality, depending on what the user needs.


Overall, mixed reality is offering us a glimpse into the future of gaming, where the line between playing, learning, and living starts to blur. And we’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible.

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This article was created in collaboration with our friends at VRTechTube.com, experts in virtual and mixed reality technology. For more in-depth coverage and the latest news in the world of VR and MR, be sure to check out their website at VRTechTube.com.

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