How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing the Way We Create and Listen to Music

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AI Takes the Music Industry by Storm

AI is transforming the music industry in a big way. 

From songwriting and composition to marketing and distribution, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role.

In this article, we’ll be taking a close look at how AI is being used in the music profession, covering everything from AI-generated melodies to the use of AI in music-related advertising and delivery. 

By the end of this article, you’ll hopefully have a good understanding of how AI is changing the music industry, as well as what the future holds for this exciting field!

What is AI in Music?

As you’re probably already aware, AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. 

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Essentially, there are activities carried out in the world that typically require specific human intelligence to achieve- such as making music, for example. Music historically has relied on human creativity and intelligence to be written and produced.

However, what we are seeing now is technology that can imitate human intelligence and creativity through a series of computer algorithms. 

This concept tends to scare people, as it sounds incredibly futuristic and dystopian! A lot of people don’t realize that AI has already been used by the music industry for years

Automatic autotune and synthetic drums are just two examples of AI in music that has been utilized for the past decade, without people thinking twice about it.  The new AI technology that is being developed is undeniably more advanced than the examples mentioned above. 

There are AI algorithms and programs being worked on that can imitate human vocals, write brand new, original music- and even master songs without any human input at all!

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How is AI Being Used in Music?

AI is being developed to generate and compose brand new music based on existing pieces that have been created by humans in the past. Examples of this include AIVA; artificial intelligence which creates unique, personal soundtracks completely from scratch using only an algorithm.

Another example of an AI algorithm that can be used in music is Playbeat. This online AI tool creates new, original beats for your music samples. Playbeat falls within a range of various AI plug-ins that have been made available for music creators to use in their work.

For a more extreme example, there are even rap generators available right now that can mimic different celebrities’ voices (amongst other things)! The possibilities for AI in music are truly endless, and the hope is that this technology will help humans follow their creative impulses instead of having to do all the robotic work themselves.

What are the Benefits of Using AI in Music?

Already, there are so many positives that come from using AI and machine learning in music. Firstly, AI enhances human creativity. Suddenly there are certain boundaries and limits that can be pushed further due to this new technology.

In artistic mediums such as video games, there are currently players spending hundreds of hours in games with only two hours’ worth of music that loops around, and around (…and around)

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With AI technology, there may be opportunities to have endless amounts of original music being created and played during the game to keep things more interesting!

Other benefits of artificial intelligence in the music industry is the efficiency, ease and practicality that can now be achieved. Deadlines will be much easier for artists and producers to meet with AI doing a lot of the heavy lifting within the industry. There are even AI programs that can produce false vocals in various tones, languages, and vocal styles that can help to produce music that is exactly how the artist intended it to sound.

Other than the actual music, AI algorithms are playing an increasingly important role in marketing and distribution as well. These algorithms are being used to suggest new tracks to listeners, personalize recommendations, and to create unique playlists!

Are There Any Drawbacks to Using AI in Music?

 You will find drawbacks to any new piece of technology being released, so it won’t be a shock to find out that AI isn’t perfect. A couple of these drawbacks are:

  • AI takes out the personal aspect from music previously created entirely by humans. 

The artist (and the audience) may not feel as connected to work that has been partially created by algorithms and intelligent technology.

  • There are always going to be uniquely human aspects of music that AI will never be able to replicate. 

Unlike humans, AI must be programmed. While there is opportunity for AI to grow and learn from the past just as humans do, it will likely never be able to fully capture the human experience.

How Will AI Transform the Future of the Music Industry?

The future of the music industry can be seen as being more efficient, creative, and revolutionary with the increasing use of artificial intelligence. There are already programs under production that have the ability to mimic human voices, create original beats and soundtracks, and master tracks all on their own. All of these components lead to a music industry that relies less on humanity for the smaller, ‘mechanical’ aspects of making music. 

This in turn will open up so many more creative opportunities for humans to simply enjoy making music without all the deadline pressure- resulting in less creative slumps than ever before!

One particular AI technology that’s worth mentioning here is the Solaris Virtual Vocalist. The Solaris Virtual Vocalist can be used as a filler voice while a soundtrack is being worked on, either as the lead vocalist or as backup vocals on a track. It’s technology such as Solaris that will make it so much easier for artists to create demos, samples and songs- speeding up the rate at which they can produce music.

ChatGPT even for the music industry

It’s hard to talk about AI and not evoke ChatGPT. OpenAI’s AI is making the rounds on the net all over the world. ChatGPT is obviously one of the most advanced AI models available today. While not limited to the music industry, ChatGPT can significantly contribute to the music industry.

The OpenAI’s AI can be used to generate lyrics, compose songs, create melodies, and even unique chord progressions.

ChatGPT can also help independent artists who may not have the resources to produce music. ChatGPT can generate new arrangements and suggest new instrumentations, making the production process more efficient.

As the technology advances, it is likely that AI’s impact on the music industry will be even greater, and ChatGPT is definitely leading the way

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

AI isn’t a new concept in creative professions, and specifically in the music industry. 

There may be some hesitancy by some people due to artificial intelligence being portrayed in the media as doomsday motivators, however AI truly has a lot to offer music artists and producers. Algorithms are already available to help with creation of new beats, tracks, and vocals, making the lives of artists so much more simple and stress-free than ever before. Not only does this give them more time to work on new content, but it also frees up space on their minds for new creative ideas as well!

AI will likely never be able to replicate the incredibly personal human experience, and this may reflect in music that is produced solely using AI technology. It may feel as if it’s lacking in some way, but that is only to be expected from a computer algorithm. Hopefully, the integration of both human and AI creativity will be recognized as a valuable asset to the music industry in the future. 

It has the power to revolutionize music as we know it, and we’re certain that you’ll be in awe of what’s to come from artificial intelligence within the creative industries! 


Aiva Technologies. (2022). The Artificial Intelligence Composing Emotional Soundtrack Music. Sourced from

Brie, K. (2022). The Future of AI in the Music Industry. Airbit. Published by Youtube. Sourced from

Barreau, Pierre. (2018). How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life. TED. Published by Youtube. Sourced from

Playbeat. (2022). World’s Smartest Groove Machine. Audiomodern. Sourced from

Synthtopia. (2022). New AI Virtual Vocalist Gets Into Uncanny Valley Territory. Sourced from

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