Today it has been announced that purchasers of the physical Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn discs will receive a special DLC. Set for release on June 5th, 2018, gamers that buy the game in-store will receive the super-secret day one additional DLC content.
Said to raise eyebrows, the downloadable content, which will be revealed on launch day, will feature new levels and a bonus famous main character.
Leo Zullo, Managing Director at Wired Productions, has said that Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn “…settles the score of ’94 and puts right the legacy of Shaq Fu…we wanted to make the physical retail edition something truly memorable for gamers who prefer something more tangible and collectable. When they open up their box copies we’re genuinely intrigued and excited to gauge players’ reactions to the additional DLC content.”
FinalBoss had the privilege to get hands-on with Shaq at this year’s EGX Rezzed and have to say that the core game is truly enjoyable. It takes a warm-hearted appreciation of the original and gives you back a less serious, much more funny and entertaining side scroller beat em up. Complete with slow-mo size 22 superkicks and the rhymic raps of Shaquille O’Neal himself.
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn will be bundled as a physical boxed product with the unannounced ‘Bonus FU’ DLC at major retailers for £24.99/€29.99/$29.99 on the PlayStation®4 system and Xbox One and £34.99/€39.99/$39.99 on Nintendo Switch™.
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